call now: 020 7193 3318
24 hour service
Sloane Property Maintenance has a large customer base of private landlords with both residential and commercial portfolios.
We provide our landlords with a second to none reactive service, which can respond within one hour for all types of emergencies.
We implement maintenance programmes, carry out general repairs and in some case undertake complete refurbishments when a property is vacated.
Portable Appliance Testing
PAT or Portable Appliance testing is the process in which electrical items are checked to ensure they are safe for use and comply with the rules set out under the Electricity at Work Act 1989. The process of PAT involves a visual inspection of the item along with a series of electronic tests which are carried out using the appropriate equipment. Once these inspections are completed a report is produced to the client that outlines the condition of all appliances tested and if they are safe for use. Any faults found on an appliance will be outlined within the test report.
Why is this important?
The Health & Safety at Work Act (1974) places an obligation on employers and Landlords who supply electrical appliances in the following circumstances:
Where appliances are used by employees
Appliances used by the public in establishments such as hospitals, schools, hotels, shops etc
Where appliances are supplied or hired
Where appliances are repaired or serviced
Gas Safety
We offer a full range of gas safety products from Gas Safety Certificates, supplying smoke alarms and Carbon monoxide detectors to Full Central heating system servicing. All of which are carried out by qualified Gas Safe engineers.
Why is Gas safety important?
About 30 people die every year in the UK through poorly installed or badly maintained gas appliances and flues resulting in deadly carbon monoxide poisoning.
The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 enforced by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) is legal requirement which specifically deals with the installation, maintenance and use of gas appliances, fittings and flues in domestic and certain commercial premises.
The HSE state that 'These duties to protect tenants’ safety are in addition to the more general ones that landlords have under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999'.
All landlords are obliged by law to adhere to these regulations and face severe penalties for non compliance including manslaughter charges if the unthinkable was to happen in that death resulted from a gas leak.
How do I comply?
As a landlord (or agent of a landlord) you simply have to arrange to have a Gas Safety Check carried out on all gas appliances and flues annually, or within 12 months before the start of a new tenancy. Ensure all Checks carried out are done by a Gas Safe engineer and give a copy of the report issued to you to the existing tenants and keep one yourself for at least 2 years.
Our valued clients

SPM Landlords

Customer Feedback
"My Trianco Electric Boiler was boken. In 1 hour Les came to inspect the problem.He had to get some parts but ..."
“I am very pleased with the service. We have used Sloane Property Maintenance for the first time and ..."
“Excellent service. I had no heating or hot water.The engineer was very helpful and arrived on time..."
You are in safe hands
Download our approvals
> Safe Contractor Certificate
> Chas Certificate
Contact us - 020 7193 3318 - 24 hours

Below please find some useful information from the HSE: